December Birthstone - Blue Topaz – Michael Anthony Jewelers

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December Birthstone - Blue Topaz

Blue Topaz, one of the most spectacular birthstones, is currently mined in parts of the US, China, Mexico, and Russia. This beautiful gemstone derives its name from the Greek word ‘Topazion,’ meaning fire. Though early history signified blue topaz with protection and safeguarding loved ones, recent times accorded the stone as a sign of love and endearment. It is an ideal gift to gesture affection to those born in December and marks the 4th and 19th wedding anniversaries. As the December birthstone, the most popular variations of topaz that are crafted into stunning jewelry pieces for the month are London Blue, Swiss Blue, and Sky Blue Topaz.

As popularly said, ‘last but not the least’, December is that lucky month of the year that claims not one but three precious gemstones as it’s birthstones – the rich blue, purple Tanzanite, the iridescent Zircon, and Robin’s egg blue colored Turquoise. In addition to these, December is also the resident month of two of the strongest astrological Zodiac Signs – Sagittarius and Capricorn. Blue Topaz, the astrological gemstone for both these signs, also registers its place as the birthstone for December. Natural Blue Topaz is primarily colorless or faintly colored and is often treated to enhance light, sky-bluish delicate appearance.